Unique zine about musicians by a gal with great taste including some taped interviews as well! Nine issues as of writing, worth checking out if you want to widen your horizons and see some very pleasant graphic design at the same time. Go find a new artist to support!
Great blog template to start your site with, even if you don't know any HTML or CSS. My first site was built off of Zonelets and the template made starting out seem way less intimidating. As a hands-on kind of gal, getting to muck around with the included HTML and CSS was a good learning experience. The most useful part of it all is the Javascript: your mileage may vary depending on how you want to structure your blog (if you're even looking to start a blog :00) but the script provides you with a dynamic list of your blog posts and a navigation bar at the bottom of each post, meaning you don't have to update links every time you make a post!
Really awesome site by a survivor of the before times when the internet was still an untamed frontier and you were likely to get a few extra breathing holes if you walked into the saloon wrong. Jokes aside, it's a new site (not as new as mine :pp) with really cool aesthetics and tons of useful code and website design tips. The site's author also plans to write some stories about what that early internet was like that I'm personally really looking forward to :33
Really amazing graphics resource! Got alot of the graphics for this site from there. Check out their links and resources pages as well, there's a ton of stuff to check out.